Friday, February 10, 2012

You Think You Have It Bad?

How would you like to have to do this for a living?


Ann said...

No thanks! This is the 1st year that I've noticed a guy selling this stuff. Lots of vendors I haven't seen this year, but I haven't been to the beach every day!

Anonymous said...

i always wondered HOW they do that ... every ... single ... day. young, old, they are always out on the beach. selling, selling, selling. each year when i go to isla, i see the same people on the beach selling their wares whether it be coconuts, nuts, bracelets and swim suit cover ups. the young kids break my heart, but that is their life. it's what they know. took me a few years to let that one go. :) - trina in idaho

ps... thank you for the picture!

norm said...

The worst job I ever had was cleaning chicken coops when I was a kid. I spent a few years as a rough neck in the oil fields, that was no picnic. Selling stuff on the beach-depends on if they're buying...

Good to see you're back in the saddle. Sorry about your brother.

Anonymous said...

When you get down on your luck in Mexico and don't have family to fall back on you have nothing! No salvation army or homeless shelter to take you in!

KfromMichigan said...

Tough job .... but it beats being in snow and freezing temps!