Thursday, October 02, 2008

Seen On Isla

The corner of NaBalam restaurant after the recent storm passed.


Islaholic Trixie said...

Looks like NaBalam will be a floating restaurant pretty soon. I hear that the North/Northwest beaches have been washed away too.
It will be amazing to see the changes in 21 days!!

Islagringo said...

trixie: it is so sad what is happening to the NaBalam. (although I secretly think they deserve it) If by north/northwest you mean the area from Sergio's Playa Sol to Sunset Grill, don't worry. Those beaches are fine. As is the one in front of Buho's Swing/Maria del Mar.

Babs said...

I WANT to come to ISLA!

Islagringo said...

babs: C'mon down! You're welcome anytime so long as you wear one of your cheap outfits. (and I mean that in the nicest of ways!) You'll always have a place to stay here.

Steve Cotton said...

Wayne -- Have you been on the prowl for odd tourists photographs? You always add to my day with them.