Monday, February 05, 2007

Weather Report and Stuff

Do you appreciate your local weatherman? Can you get an almost accurate weather forecast where you are? I wish we could. Our cable station no longer carries The Weather Channel because Brazil did not pay its' bill. They have no way of cutting the signal just to them so we all got cut off. Now all I have is Weatherunderground. Ugh. It is never even close to being accurate. Like yesterday.

No rain, just scattered clouds in the forecast. What did we get? Beautiful clear blue skies all day until about 9pm. Then the heavens opened up and it just poured! Not a gentle rain, the kind that fills the streets, floods the sewer system and washes out my driveway. Simon must have gotten caught in it because this morning he found his way to the bedroom window sill and meowed (screeched is more like it!) until I got up and let him in. He looked like a drowned Siamese rat! I dried him off amidst lots of purring and rubbing!

L comes home today from his brief tour around Mexico. Tomorrow we have friends arriving from Conneticut and Toronto. Then we'll be busy for a few weeks!

I've almost finished repainting the cement bench in front of the cabana. I feel like a hillbilly saying that. Does anybody else remember how the ones in Beverly Hills used to call the swimming pool the cement pond? Then we want to move it to a slightly different spot. We will need 4 guys to move it. It is poured concrete and weighs a ton.

Started working on a present for a friend of mine who is coming in June. She is just so special that I want to make something special for her for all the nice things she has done for me. Not going to say what because I think she reads this and I don't want to spoil the surprise.

Ok, off to do something non-computer related!

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