We decided to stop and investigate what was over that hill. This is what we saw.
This beach just went on and on.
One of the advertising gimmicks for this area is that they have 32 beaches. I believe it. What they do not say is that they are not all swimmable and that some of them will kill you if you enter the water. This is one of the latter ones.
These pictures are deceiving. The waves do not crash and glide up onto the beach like normal waves do. These crash and disappear. Why? Because there is probably a steep and treacherous drop off right at the edge. The waves crash, go directly to the bottom of the ocean and are carried out again to do it all over.
Similar to he beach in my back yar -- even though some brave souls do venture forth.
Have great fun amigo.
PS. It's OK if you didn't answer my weather question in the previous post.
Beautiful beach .. even if you can't go in the water!
It's kind of spooky looking at those pics closely, you can almost feel the dangerous undertow. (Or "undertoad" if you are a fan of John Irving's books)....
Steve: I know what you mean. When I was in Melaque, I stuck strictly to the pool!
Calypso: Whenever I feel the waves pulling me back out to sea, even when I am in 8" of water, I start to freak a bit. So I guess I am being aware! Check again for an answer to your question.
K: there are so many like that in this area. Beautiful but deadly.
CC: they are even spookier in person. That crashing sound will send shudders down your spine.
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