We've all seen the signs saying "Cheaper than WalMart", "K-Mart Blue Light Special" and have been asked to give shopkeepers a chance to rip us off.
I saw this on a store in downtown La Crucecita. I laughed out loud. If it had not been a shop selling only silver jewelry, I probably would have gone in. Just because of the sign.
Do any of you have have examples from your area of signs or clever sayings the salesmen use to lure you in?
Now that one is an old one, you know how long its been since I heard Monty Hall!!
I wonder how many people have no idea who Monty Hall is? For those of us that do it is a clever sign.
I was lured into this shop by a man who spoke English very well!
Of course, there's Speedy Gonzalez on Hidalgo! Down here in Arizona, it's scam central right now, but the signs aren't as cute. The one I like is "Easy Money -- If you don't believe it, don't call! 480-444-SCAM." (I made up the phone number.) I guess they're trying to use reverse psychology?
Wayne, haven't een signs but almost 20 years ago I bought a paper mache skeleton in Puerto Vallarta that was made in Celaya. On the forehead was painted NASA for the space agency. I kept that for years, just for the fun of it!
Well along the same lines of 'It pays to Advertise"...there was one of those small marque sign in front of a Church in Ft Worth that said"IF YOUR TIRED OF SIN,COME IN"...and under the letters written in lipstick'..IF NOT,CALL 755-7867'
One of my favorites I heard walking down the street on Isla. The guy obviously wanting me to come into his shop said, "come on in, same junk...just cheaper".
Got to love it. Enjoy your blog.
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