Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Portable Flowers

We have a nursery here on the island. A pretty good one too. Problem is, they have all the typical plants that can be found most anywhere. I think we have about two of each one planted out back!

There is also a guy who walks around downtown pulling a wagon behind him. This is packed full of what we used to refer to as "house plants". Of course, here they are for outside. But something new has appeared downtown.

Aren't these pretty?

He even had the most beautiful smelling gardenias mixed in there. Alas. We know from experience that none of these fragile plants will survive our wind and salt issues.

So we sadly watched him walk away. Hopefully to make a sale further down the street.


Sue said...

We keep buying plants from him, and the others that come through our colonia (a man with a box on his head, a woman with a wagon). But the ones you show in the picture - we haven't had much luck with them either. I can tell by the soil that those plants have never seen the reality of life, they've been sheltered in a greenhouse and once exposed to the elements, they decide they don't want that kind of life and they die. We bought a gardenia last week, we'll see if we can't break the jinx.

Anonymous said...

That second photo now ranks right up there in my top favorite Isla pictures. Great shot. Thanks Wayne!

K.W. Michigan said...

The roses are beautiful. You really should have bought a gardenia (my fav) the smell drives me to lala land!

Theresa in Mèrida said...

Gorgeous, but I stopped buying any of those types of plants, it was like putting out a free all you can eat sign for the leaf cutter ants. So I just keep planting bouganvillas.

Steve Cotton said...

Wise choice on the roses. They simply would have suffered a tortured death. But they are pretty. Who will buy them?

Babs said...

The roses should! Lots of friends had them planted in Galveston with the sea air and continual winds. You might try a few - I'm sure they are inexpensive!
Sure are pretty.........

Anonymous said...

wayne' i'm not sure about the roses, but i think the gardenias would survive. i had one on my deck in chacala, just about a block from the beach, and it did fine.
