I rounded a corner on the dirt road and surprised this.
He/she/it was kind enough to fly off to a nearby tree where I could get a good look and picture of it.
I didn't even know that there were vultures on Isla. Kind of cool. It was feeding on a dead bird in the road when I interrupted it. Cannibalism at its' best!
What you have there is a Turkey Vulture, or en espanol, Zopilote.
Don't complain! It's 32 degrees here and snowing! So be happy with 66 amigo! I was in Florida last week .. 87 degrees. I often ask myself WHAT the F am I doing here?
It's amazing that osmething so big flies so gracefully!
I have yet to see one on Isla. Is that one the deserted roads past Villa Rolandi's??
That is cold. lol
debi: I knew it was a vulture, just not one kind. I'm not surprised though. We have so many one legged turkeys here!
kw: I asked myself that same question every time I returned to Minnesota from here.
babs: it's the same mystery that explains how fat girls can dance so well.
trixie: maaaybe.
brenda: don't laugh! You wouldn't like it either!
I'll be handing out cocktail's at Miguel's Friday after 4:30 until 8 to celebrate my FM2. I hope you and B can make it!
That zopilote (vulture) is nature's garbage collector.
It eats carrion, dead animals. Imagine if the dead animal stays there stinking the entire environment. That is not cannibalism! It is a part of nature, meant to clean the earth! yes?
Pat from Baja California
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