Thursday, September 27, 2007

Busy Day Today

Once retired, I think alarm clocks should be destroyed. Years and years of listening to that beepbeepbeep was enough. I don't have to use one very often down here and I resent the times I do. Like today! Ugh. It is so early.

The advantage, I suppose, is that I can see the sun rising over the horizon from where I sit typing this. Everything is a flat gray and then it starts to glow a soft pink where the water meets the sky. It continues to get brighter until pop! The sun starts to rise rapidly over the water and then it is too bright to look out the door. The water, for about the first hour, acts like a giant mirror reflecting the sun.

We are off to Cancun again today. Not taking the car this time. Back to Immigration to see if our FM3's are ready to be picked up. I sure hope so. Then off to several stores to look for table lamps for the cabana. An exercise in futility mostly. We are also looking for a nice print to put on the wall over there too. We have to pick up two bathroom sink faucets. Both ours and the one in the cabana need replacing again. Nothing lasts long here. So it's Immigration, Mercado 28, Sorpresa and Plaza las Americas for us today. And yikes! I forgot we are hosting a dinner party tonight too! Plus O comes this morning to clean. Busy day.

As mentioned, from where I sit at the dining room table, I can see out the door to the ocean. I was sitting here last night at dusk. That time when it is not really daylight anymore but not night either. I noticed a glow and went to the front porch to look. I got to watch the full moon rising over the water. What a magical sight that is. It starts out a soft orange and as it rises further into the sky it gradually burns brighter and brighter until it is as white and bright as a lightbulb up there. The shimmering glow it casts on the water is definitely AHHHH worthy.

So let's leave today with a nice nature picture. This was taken on the ferry from La Paz to Topolobampo. Beautiful sunset in the middle of the ocean. Have a nice day everybody.

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